Reinvent Your Online Interactions

with LeadHog's AI-Powered Form Responders

Your Own AI-Powered Customer Service Representative

Harness the power of artificial intelligence to elevate your customer interactions. Our AI learns from your company’s data, tone, and products to provide personalised responses that reflect your brand.

Creative & Versatile Forms

From inquiry forms to quizzes and questionnaires, LeadHog allows you to create diverse types of forms and generative AI responses that integrate with your favourite apps.

Personalised Experiences

Imagine a travel form that not only collects information but also suggests a holiday plan tailored to each visitor’s preferences. Or a tattoo removal inquiry form that answers your customers’ queries instantly and in your brand’s tone.

Accelerate Your Lead Generation

Quickly capture leads with forms that do more than just collect data. LeadHog forms engage, inform, and interact with your visitors, nudging them down your conversion funnel effortlessly.

Efficient, Responsive, Powerful

Respond to queries instantly, save time on redundant emails, and focus on what matters most to your business. LeadHog is here to boost your efficiency and productivity.